Neurodivergent Parent Burnout and Parental Burnout Therapy Chicago & Online
Caring support for parental burnout & neurodivergent parents
Therapy for Neurodivergent Parent Burnout Chicago & Online
You are running on empty. None of the parenting books you’ve read prepared you for what you face. On top of typical kid challenges, your child is trying to manage neurodivergence like autism, ADHD, AuDHD, giftedness, PDA, or twice exceptional (2e); school problems; their gender identity or sexuality; medical or mental health issues; disordered eating; substance abuse; or other unique or special needs, and they are having a hard time.
You put so much energy into trying to lift them up and move them forward, and all too often you don’t have very much to show for your efforts. You want so much to help them, but you don’t seem to have the right tools for what they need, or the ability or energy to advocate effectively for their needs to be supported at home, school, or in the community. You have no idea what else you should do to help your child. You really need a break.
You Need More Help to Support Your Autistic, ADHD, 2e, Gifted, or Otherwise Neurodivergent Kid
You've tried 504 plans or IEPs at school, private therapies, doctors, and many interventions to help your child and to help your family. It’s not that nothing has improved, but sometimes you still run out of patience or energy for taking care of this person you love, but whose needs are so different, and often so difficult to meet within systems that were not built for them. Even just the work of coordinating and managing all of their supports is enough to wear you out some days.
Parental Burnout or Caregiver Burnout is Taking a Toll on Your Health
Your heart starts racing when you see the counselor’s number come through on your phone or your child is nowhere to be found at curfew. Your sleep suffers for days leading up to meetings with the school team, and you notice yourself not wanting to go to that approaching gathering with your friends where you know that the conversation will turn to what is going on with everyone’s kids. All of the stress-eating is making your stomach feel sick, and you can’t even bring yourself to think about what your kid’s future might look like years down the road. The strain is affecting your marriage, your friendships, your career; even your health is starting to suffer.
As a Struggling Parent, You Need Parent Therapy Help Too!
It is hard to find parenting support from anyone who seems to really understand the special needs of your child or your family’s situation; someone who gets what it is like for you as a parent, and your parenting pains and challenges. It can be difficult and uncomfortable to try to explain. You feel misunderstood, judged, and alone, even angry and resentful. When things get really intense you feel trapped or you act out, and then you feel guilt or shame. You've been focused on getting help for your kid, but you know it's time for you to get some more help for yourself.
A Therapist for Parents and Caregivers Who Understands Your Struggles and Knows How to Provide Parenting Support
I’m Dr. Corrie Goldberg, a psychologist who completed dual Ph.D. programs in both clinical psychology, and in school psychology, and is licensed in both fields (#071.009961; #2019757). I know how important it can be to work with a therapist for parents who really understands the unique challenges of raising a young, adolescent, or adult kid with unique needs, higher needs, or whose needs are just other than what you have the tools to support effectively.
Help to Prevent and Heal Parental Burnout and Caregiver Burnout
I’m aware that parents of children with higher support needs are at increased risk for problems with their mental, physical, career, and relationship health, and I know how important it is for these parents to be built up so that they do not succumb to parental burnout. I recognize how even well-intended, but uninformed or unrealistic advice or feedback from friends, family, or professionals can be invalidating and discouraging; resulting in you feeling even less supported and more alone.
As a therapist for parents, I specialize in working with caring and motivated individuals who are struggling with effectively parenting children whose needs differ from many other kids to stop feeling anxious, out of control, stuck, worn out, or ashamed and begin experiencing greater confidence, acceptance, connection, effectiveness, and satisfaction as a parent and in other important relationships and aspects of their lives.
Feel Less Overwhelmed by Parenting Challenges and Be a More Effective Parent
Consider what it would be like to have a break; to take some time to focus on what you need and how you might truly be able to get those needs met. Through parenting therapy, I help struggling parents like you to stop just going through the exhausting motions of each day. We can work together to learn critical concepts, build skills, access useful resources, heal wounds, and reduce the intensity of emotional reactions.
Many parents report that they finally feel seen and understood; allowing them to lower their defenses, take a break from over-functioning or shutting down, and begin to heal some of their own pain and recharge their depleted reserves. I can help you connect with a greater sense of calm and more satisfying experiences of accomplishment in your parenting and in other valued roles and relationships by lessening the feeling of chaos and strengthening internal resources and outside supports.
Take the Next Step for Parent Burnout Therapy Chicago North Shore or Online Parent Therapy
It is time that you replenish your own reserves and start feeling better. Whether you are located in Chicago or along the North Shore; in Illinois; or in many states across the United States, we can work together at the Shore Therapy Evanston office location or via online therapy. If you are ready to take the next step to prevent or heal from neurodivergent parent burnout or caregiver burnout, and to address symptoms of anxiety, stress, or trauma contact me for a free 15-minute consultation. We can discuss your needs for parent therapy in Chicago or parenting therapy online and how I can help. If you are interested in additional support to prevent or heal parent burnout, check out our on-demand, online neurodivergent parent burnout class page and parent burnout blogs to learn more.